
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Epic Shoe Haul!

So the update post isn't really working out because so much time has gone by that I've forgotten a lot of the things I've wanted to say. However, I will be doing a reference post about my stay at the hospital and an update on my internship sometime this week for sure, as well as some belated thank you posts for all the lovely people who wished me a happy birthday and gave me cool stuff. You guys are the best, and I love you very much :)

This post, however, is about to take a very materialistic turn. Long story short, I didn't have proper shoes for my internship, and my casual wear shoes were literally falling apart, so my mom finally took me shopping, and, as there was a sale at Payless, things kind of got carried away. This was probably the biggest shopping spree of my entire life, at least for shoes, in terms of items bought. Without further ado, may I present my epic shoe haul!

These are not exactly my size, a little small, but I still fit in them. Still, at only $12, I just had to have them! Not quite sure why the size is 5W, because they are incredibly slim, but I'm not too concerned about the labeling.

These shoes are impossibly comfortable. The inside is padded with cushions, and wearing them doesn't even feel like wearing heels. They were originally about $20, but since they were misplaced into the wrong box, we still got the discounted price.

»City Sneaks Slip-on, size 6, $16.99
I really needed some day to day shoes, so even though these were more expensive than I would have liked, I still bought them. However, they do feel very sturdy and go well with a lot of my clothes.

»City Sneaks Canvas Sneaker, size 6, $16.99
Like the previous pair, I needed some everyday shoes, so I got these sneakers, which I really like because of the soft grey color and the purple and white laces.

»Champion Wedge Sneakers, size 6, $10
When I first saw these on the rack, I laughed because they looked so ridiculous, but after trying them on, they were actually really comfortable! And at $10, there was no way I was going to leave them on the shelf. Quick question to all the fashionistas out there, do I wear these with the laces in or the laces out? Leave your opinion in the comments please!

Also, I saw my prom heels in my size in the store, but this time at only $10! I paid $20, which still isn't too bad, but come on, why can't stores just sell things at the lowest price in the first place. Here's another picture of them because I really just love them so much!

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