
Saturday, January 24, 2015

#obsessed – My Favorite Shows

For the first time in a long time, I've finished all my homework before the weekend. I have been more productive lately, but I also have slightly less work so it's quite a change and I'm still trying to get used to it. I don't know how to use all that free time and I feel stressed from not being stressed because I feel like I have to do something. I guess I could be working more on speech and debate and working ahead for other things, but I want to learn how to enjoy the free time while I can.

Today I remembered my shows and it was oh-so amazing to catch up. I don't have a lot of shows, but I tend to go for quality over quantity. I was crying laughing by the end of it and I can't wait for the next episodes to come out, so I thought I'd share the shows that I'm #obsessed with.

»Modern Family
Modern Family is right in my alley. It has my sense of implicit humor, with extremely fast paced witty jokes, clever lines, and dramatic irony in every scene. Season 6 episode 11 (The Day We Almost Died) is the most amazing thing I've watched ever. It's a work of art with how well they put it together. Even if you've never watched the show, I highly recommend you watch that episode.

»The Middle
The Middle is a severely underrated show that is just as good or even better than Modern Family. It deserves so much credit for the serving of truth and honest raw life in every episode. Again, the dramatic irony and implicit humor gets me every time. Understanding some of the jokes does require some backstory, so I'd start from the beginning if you plan on binging this one.

»Marvel's Agent Carter and Agents of S.H.I.EL.D.
I know I've already written about Agent Carter and I've probably written about Agents of S.H.I.EL.D. but they satisfy my inner "nerd" fangirl and secret agent without breaking the bank, which I always appreciate. I love all the characters, even Beardy McTraitorson, and the suspense keeps me on my toes. It's very well written, and I love both seasons despite the negative reviews for season one. It's a show that is best bingewatched, so it flows together like a movie instead of moving slowly week by week. There are only 1.5 seasons out so far so you can definitely watch it in one weekend.

There are so many shows that I want to watch but have not had the time to yet, such as Avatar (both ATLA and LOK), Orange is the New Black, Once Upon a Time, Galavant, and Parks and Rec just to name a few. I'll definitely have time senior summer, so I plan to use that time to catch up on all these, and more. If you have any shows that you recommend let me know!

There are also quite a few movies I want to watch. I have a whole list of them on my Wunderlist, a productivity app that I am also #obsessed with. It's available on Macs (I don't know about PC) and it is so useful for keeping everything in order and accounted for. I'm slowly but surely checking movies off my list, so that gives me something to do in case I have free time again. ◊

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